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New benchmark shows that biodiversity is in fashion


While a company’s biodiversity strategy is being fully developed and science-based targets confirmed, we advocate a no-regrets approach , as defined by the UNDP, UNEP and IUCN and expressed by the Science Based Targets Network.

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Industry Leaders Dare to Change for the Better

3BL Media

In the session “The Rising Role of the CSO,” the Forest Positive coalition served as a case study for the unique position chief sustainability officers can have in driving change both within their companies and across the value chain.

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A World of Opportunity

Chris Hall

But this is “pocket money” compared to the US$44 trillion of global GDP dependent on well-functioning ecosystems, according to the UN Environment Programme’s (UNEP) Climate Finance Unit (CFU). Currently, US$154 billion a year is invested in NbS, according to the United Nations’ recent State of Finance for Nature report.